electroculture for beginners

What is Electroculture?

Electroculture is an ancient practice of increasing yields utilizing certain materials to harvest the earth's atmospheric energy. This was presented in 1749 by Abbe Nollett, in the 1920s by Justin Christofleau, and 1940s by Viktor Schauberger. This energy is always present and all around us also known as Chi, Prana, Life force, and Aether.

When using electroculture there is no need for the use of pesticides, manure, or fertilizers. This is primarily why this information was suppressed. All you need is the sun, the clouds, the rain, the nitrogen in the air, and the ability to harness atmospheric energy. These atmospheric antennas can be created from materials such as wood, copper, zinc, and brass. When adding these atmospheric antennas to your garden, soil, or farm they will amplify your yields, combat frost and excessive heat, reduce irrigation, reduce pests, and increase the magnetism of your soil leading to more nutrients in the long run.

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How do I make an electroculture antenna? 

Atmospheric antennas can be made out of wood dowels found at Home Depot, Lowes, or a local piece of wood from your backyard. The taller you make the antenna the larger your plants will grow. Justin christofleau recommended 20 feet+, but any height will do.


You can wrap the wood dowel or local wood with copper and zinc wiring making a fibonacci spiral or vortex up in the air facing Magnetic North. The combination of zinc and copper can work like a battery when the sun hits the the antenna. You will then place this antenna about 6-8 inches into your soil and let Mother Nature do the magic. Get creative, try different designs, and you will see the true potential of electroculture. 


For more on this topic we offer a free download of Justin Christofleau's Electroculture book

Some Examples of Electroculture Antennas

electroculture antenna
electroculture antenna

Frequently Asked Questions about Electroculture

How does the electroculture antenna work?

The antenna harvests the energy of the earth through the series of vibration and frequency. Such as rain, wind, and temperature fluctuations. These antennas lead to stronger plants, more moisture for the soil, and reduced pest infestations. This one of the many reasons we have not been taught about this ancient practice.

Additional Questions

You can use a copper pipe, but the best results coming from copper coils. The copper coil harness the flow of energy.

Any style of wood will work. The best wood would be from your backyard as it resonates on the same frequency as you. Next best would be wood dowels or bamboo from the hardware store.

Electroculture works wonderfully on indoor plants! A simple chopstick with copper can be used to create your indoor antenna.

Great question. Think of the electroculture antennas as picking up on the earth's frequency which is the primary frequency of the planet. The artificial frequencies such as Wi-fi, EMF, and RF would be secondary. Plants will still continue thrive even when in an area with Wi-fi or EMF. But we do always recommend removing wi-fi from the home and hardwiring your internet due to all the studies on how EMF can be toxic our terrain.

The issue with wrapping plants in copper is that not all plants enjoy being entangled. It is best to make a simple antenna and place it near the plants you want to help. 

You can make your atmospheric antennas as tall as you like. On average the best antennas are 6 feet+ to gather more atmospheric energy. 

When we look in the past a lot of old world buildings had 100's of lightning rods to balance out the atmosphere. Nothing to worry about :)

On average one 6 foot antenna can cover about about 225 sqft. 

If you live in the Northern hemisphere you can wind your antenna clockwise. If you live in the Southern hemisphere you can wind your antenna Counter-Clockwise. When winding your coils you would want to wind them from the bottom to the top.

Yes. One end of the copper will be in the soil gathering energy from the earth and the other end will be gathering energy from the atmosphere.

You can find copper wire at Home Depot, Lowes, Ace hardware, Menards, or a local scrap yard. 

Yes you can :) just place one antenna in each raised bed. Since the beds are raised the antenna can be 3 to 6 feet tall.

I would not use anything with aluminium in the soil due to multiple health related reasons.

Any gauge of copper wiring will work, but if you would like you can always use a heavier gauge.

Of course! Crystals and Gems can provide different arrays of color spectrums to boost plant growth and attract local pollinators.

Not one bit. The antennas will help support the soil and the worms.

Yes you can. If the wire is coated with plastic make sure to strip the ends so the bare copper can be placed into the soil.

Pennies work wonders to help boost plant growth, but make sure they are pre 1980. As most pennies in 2023 are 99% zinc and 1% copper.

Electroculture can be useful with hydroponics, but instead of electroculture antennas try copper pyramids.

Yes! Electroculture has been shown to increase the sprouting of seeds. A simple toothpick wrapped in copper can work wonders.

Some interesting findings of Justin christofleau* on electroculture plant growth:

In fields in which were not manured or irrigated Oats grew upwards to 7 feet+


Potatoes grown in the same condition 6 feet 3inches high, carrying 30 to 35 tubers, and weighed 1 to 2 pounds per potato.


Grape vineyards impacted by Phlyloxera were healed and rejuvenated. The grapes ended up sweeter and had a much richer flavor.


Carrots grew to the lengths of 19 inches, beetroots to 18inches, and nearly 17 inches in circumference.


An old pear tree which had hardly any bark left was fully rejuvenated by electroculture and started producing pears of up to 1 pound each.


*All without the use of manure, pesticides, or fertilizer just the atmospheric energy, magnetism and telluric currents of the earth. A simple solution to solving the shortages we are all facing.

Copper Gardening tools versus Iron Gardening tools: What we were never told

When Victor schauburger was studying agriculture he noticed that Copper, Brass, bronze tools would not impact the magnetism of the soil like those made of Iron. Iron tools decreased the magnetism of the soil, made the farmers work harder, and caused drought like conditions.


While on the other hand copper, brass, or bronze tools did not alter the magnetism of the soil, lead to high quality soil, and required less work when used.


When Victor showed this to the local council they said his work would impact their profits on the fertilizer they are promoting. They decided to petition against him with the help of the local media to inform farmers they would yield too much food and it would lead to less money in their pocket. The farmers went against victors work and this knowledge was lost in the 1950s.


It is also noted that slugs only come around when high amounts of iron are present in the soil to clean up the mess that their antennas are picking up on. When using copper tools or atmospheric antennas the slugs disappear.

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