Kirlian Photography, Meridian Lines, LEDS , and  root causes of health ailments

Kirlian Photography, Meridian Lines, LEDS , and root causes of health ailments

Cultivate Elevate on Oct 30th 2023

Today we talk about magnetism, moon missing, kirlian photography, auras, the root cause of illness, pearl powder, red light therapy, barefoot grounding, and much more


1:00 David copper field and magic to make the moon disappear

2:40 New moon landing?

3:37 carl von reichenbach

4:13 *Light spectrum Incandescent vs Led

5:58 *Od energy Odyle energy

6:55 Magnetizing SOL water

8:30 Low Frequencies messing with our health

9:22 *Kirlian photography

10:41 *Hand healing energy healing

12:19 *Organic food vs conventional food

13:09 *Loss of a limb

14:45 Shocking us back to life

17:13 Kirlian photography

18:20 *Meridian Pathway

20:24 *Root cause and lack of energy

22:08 *Removal of wisdom teeth + pastuerization

24:00 mercury fillings

24:55 the Root cause documentary

26:15 *Eye Industry

27:15 *Fluoride origin

28:55 Small amount of toxins and fluoride treatments

30:33 *Side effects of anti life products

33:06 *Barefoot grounding

37:30 *Energyexchange of the tree

39:30 Cells spinning the other way

40:05 *Water in your body

41:00 What type of lightbulbs should you use?

42:30 Alternatives to LEDS

43:09 *RED light therapy

44:50 *Full spectrum bulbs

47:30 Lights impacting attention spans

49:09 *How to sungaze?

50:00 Healing eyesight with sun gazing and pearl

51:26 Pearl powder by Cultivateelevate

52:00 Pearl and Restless leg syndrome

53:05 Memory loss solutions

55:35 Addictions