Sacred Resistance Podcast on electroculture, pyramids, healing frequencies, and health and wellness

Sacred Resistance Podcast on electroculture, pyramids, healing frequencies, and health and wellness

Cultivate Elevate on Feb 1st 2022

Get ready to have your mind blown with this episode! We had the greatest conversation where we geeked out on the most interesting stuff with the very knowledgeable Matt from Cultivate Elevate. Before we even started recording my mind was blown!

We talked about gardening in a way I had never heard of before, electroculture. We talked about pyramids, healing frequencies, and health and wellness and what I loved most about this episode is we talked about what we can do to make a difference in this world and how we can combat a lot of the crap that is happening to us in this world! We talked about EMF, 5G and how to protect yourself and your family. This is an episode you’re not going to want to miss! (Orgone & Mitch) (Water and Brass growing techniques)

As always, if you want to reach us, have questions, comments, recommendations, please email us at We would love some feedback from our tribe! Please follow us on Instagram if you do not already @sacred_resistance and Telegram @SacredResistance Have a wonderful day you guys!

Sending so much Love!! Britt and Jamie