Are germs jumping all over? Ask questions my friends

Are germs jumping all over? Ask questions my friends

Cultivate Elevate on Aug 21st 2023

Today we break down are germs jumping all over and are they planning a lockdown? Information from the book the contagion myth by Dr Cowan and the invisible rainbow by Arthur firstenburg

1:30 September Lockdown? 2:00 New “outbreak”? 3:30 Wearing a face covering 7:40 Bubonic plague 8:15 *1886 rollout of the power lines 10:45 Radio wave sickness and technology rolling out 12:30 Edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur 13:30 Lancaster Study of 1923 15:55 Upas Tree Adder Bite 17:35 DDT poisoning 19:21 FM radio and TV 22:20 1980s 23:00 Bhutan and Electricity 25:13 Technology and Toxins altering blood brain barrier 26:52 *Lead Pencil - Graphite 27:44 *Largest Lawsuit in the US 32:45 The heart is not a pump 33:00 *Crown Chakra Illness 36:33 *Auras Merging and 6 feet distancing 39:05 Fear frequency of Nature and LIFE 40:30 Things to think about 43:10 *Hunzu Tribe and frequency purging 46:15 Following the money $$ 46:36 *Flexner Report 51:00 Keep making up the story 52:40 Scorpion sting 54:10 Nature healing for stings 58:20 *Conspiracy theorist