Don't block your health with Monique Samuels and Matt

Don't block your health with Monique Samuels and Matt

Cultivate Elevate on Mar 2nd 2022

If you follow me on IG then you know a week ago I tried to go live with Matt of Cultivate Elevate to share some important information on ways to implement a healthy lifestyle. Since that failed, this episode will be all about how to detox, what great products on the market will help you introduce holistic practices and more! You are what you eat! We’ll discuss how to gradually make changes to your diet that will have long lasting benefits. No fads or trends! If you want to feel great, make it a lifestyle change! Cannot wait to share another life changing topic with you!

Tonight we are back with special Guest Matt of Cultivate Elevate to share some important information on ways to implement a healthy lifestyle. Part 2 we continue to discuss how to detox, what great products on the market will help you introduce holistic practices and more! You are what you eat! We’ll discuss how to gradually make changes to your diet that will have long lasting benefits. No fads or trends! If you want to feel great, make it a lifestyle change! Cannot wait to share another life changing topic with you!

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Instagram @mrsmoniquesamuels