New Podcast: Episode 52 Matt Roeske from Sacred Resistance - Primary water, Frequencies, Electroculture and more

New Podcast: Episode 52 Matt Roeske from Sacred Resistance - Primary water, Frequencies, Electroculture and more

Cultivate Elevate on Nov 30th 2022

Apple Podcast

Anchor FM podcast

Hey Tribe

Thank you for being here for another episode of the Sacred Resistance podcast! We are so stoked to share this episode with you as we have returning guest Matt Roeske from Cultivate Elevate on!

If you haven’t listened to the last 2 episodes we highly recommend that as these were some good ones!

In this one we talked a little bit more about electroculture and gardening and we dove deeper into the earth energy and then really got deep in the topic of water!

Matt, thanks for joining us again! We just love talking to you and picking your brain! You are a gift to this world my friend!