Podcast on mushrooms, supplements, and longevity

Podcast on mushrooms, supplements, and longevity

Cultivate Elevate on Nov 3rd 2021

In this episode, join us as we talk with Matt Roeske of Cultivate Elevate and Perry Nickelston of Stop Chasing Pain.


Cultivate Elevate was born out of the need for returning balance to the body and earth. We are living in toxic environments that are unhealthy for us and the earth. In order to maintain quality, they work with USDA organic farms that grow in small batches. All of their mushrooms and minerals are lab tested for pesticides such as glyphosate, and heavy metals. Contamination is a widespread problem in the supplement industry. Supplements can contain large amounts of heavy metals, which can cause more harm than good. This is why they are adamant about vigorously testing their products. They support the ancient organic ways of producing. From nature to the consumer.

Highlights of this podcast include:

  • The story of Cultivate Elevate
  • GMOs and toxins
  • Supplements
  • Mushrooms
  • Shilajit
  • Balance in nutrition
  • Permanent changes
  • Meshima mushroom
  • And so much more

This podcast was put together by Stop Chasing Pain. You can follow their page at https://www.stopchasingpain.com/

Instagram @stopchasingpain