Chestnuts and truths on health

Chestnuts and truths on health

Cultivate Elevate on Oct 21st 2024

Today we dabble into the ladd hill organic chestnuts, the truth on health, hidden truths of the sick care system, fasting, radio wave sickness aka covid, grounding in the winter and much more. Enjoy!

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Timeline: 1:00 Ladd Hill organic chestnuts 2:30 Organic vs Pesticides 4:40 Light and Food 6:05 What bulbs should you use? 7:15 wi-fi is it safe? 8:15 cell phones safe? 9:15 Memory Loss 10:00 Boycott the technology 11:26 Underlying causes 12:20 Covid 14:40 4 hours of nutrition 15:19 Chemo 17:12 Vaccine protection bill 18:00 Be your own doctor 22:42 Radio wave sickness solutions 24:00 Spanish flu kansas flu 1919 24:48 Bluetruth documentary 25:59 benefits of fasting 27:40 Solutions for healing 28:50 Allergy tests 31:00 grounding in winter 38:00 growing food in an apartment 40:35 Hollow earth censored?

Amanda and Matt's podcast: