Elevating your health with America's Mom
Cultivate Elevate on Dec 18th 2024
Today we dabble how to be healthy in 2024 with Neil from America's Mom, superfoods, exposing the lies of the past, the history of emfs, vaccines, tannning beds, and much more. Enjoy!
Telegram: https://t.me/ElevateThyMind
2:00 How did everything start?
5:05 Electroculture shift
9:55 Trust issues with the medical system
11:40 Light bulb cartel
13:51 Spells and words
18:59 Radio Wave Sickness
23:01 Cell phone testing
27:50 Rabies
29:30 Polio
30:45 1976 swine flu
32:41 Tetanus
33:18 flu
39:44 Dolphin birthing
43:50 School system
48:07 pastuerized foods
51:00 baby apples
58:41 Superfoods
59:45 Pearl powder
1:01 Dragons blood
1:06:03 Eye health tips
1:12:00 Winerevealed.com
1:15:22 Coffee enemas
1:25:23 Raw Eggs copper
1:27:35 Tanning beds