Full Moon giveaway, Light bulb ban, and lost history of the past

Full Moon giveaway, Light bulb ban, and lost history of the past

Cultivate Elevate on Jul 31st 2023

Today we talk about the powerful full moon energy, Lightning rods with inverted stories,

Atmospheric energy, Earth home batteries, the titanic story, and much more.

1:15 Full moon cycles

2:00 Pearl powder giveaway Instagram Cultivateelevate

4:10 *Light bulb ban LEDS

8:25 Abundance

9:40 *Lightning rods and weathervanes?

11:25 Lightning rods and copper?

14:50 First thing always removed the antenna

16:30 Mining and then turning it into these antennas?

18:35 *Weathervane on top of a church?

20:04 Lawerence, MA weather vane

25:00 *1775 Boston, MA weathervane and church?

28:40 Cupolas made out of wood?

31:38 Angels of direction?

33:00 *Hershey company using weathervanes?

37:55 *Titanic story?

44:00 Drones catching atmospheric energy

47:20 *Lightning rods earth home battery

49:00 Wireless phone in 1902

52:00 Sound and Light Vibration

55:00 Rethinking the past

58:30 New things to look into