Prana, the Electric Universe, and the End of Lack
Cultivate Elevate on Jan 7th 2024
Join Matt and Jesse as they discuss the electric universe, energy healing, permaculture, superfoods, herbalism and the ways in which these tools can empower us to heal the earth, human health, and conscious commerce.
Matt Roeske founded Cultivate Elevate to bring back information that has been suppressed and caused our society to become sicker and weaker. Our mission is to educate and empower individuals to rise above the state of fear because there are always solutions
Jesse Boudreau is a permaculture designer, a natural philosopher, and an herbalist who founded Zia Energetics LLC to regenerate ecological, human, and economic integrity.
You can find out more about Cultivate Elevate at: and Zia Energetics:
2:00 Abundance, Energy, Water, Food
5:44 Beehives and Electroculture
7:32*Nathan b stubblefield
12:20 Connecting back to Earth Energy geomancy
15:03 Which method works best for electroculture?
19:31 2012 Inversions
22:30 Courage and Our heart
25:20 Revolution of knowledge
28:15 Two paths Dolores Cannon
32:10 Curves and Vortices
37:49 Creation and Lack?
40:30 Light bulb and breaking down
45:01 Open source information and community
51:36 Shilajit, Dragons blood, and Pearl powder
56:30 Illness determined by my own choices