What do the studies say about dragon’s blood powder?*
- Anti-fungal activity of dragon's blood [3]
- Dragon’s blood may possess anti-tumor properties [8]
- Antibacterial flavonoids of Dragon’s blood [5]
- Clinical Study on wound healing and Dragon's blood [19]
- Reported alleviation of all sorts of pain and itch from bug bites in less than two minutes [9]
- Wound healing activity of Dragon's Blood [12]
- Dragon's Blood may support blood health, neuroprotection and radioprotective effects [14]
- Webmd - Dragon’s blood ulcers, H pylori, and blood clots [4]
- Potential Radioprotective effects of Dragon's blood [15]
- Dragon’s blood and an interesting study relating to Diabetes [16]
- Dragon’s blood and H. Pylori [20]
- Dragon's Blood Inhibits Chronic Inflammation in rats [17]
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
Great results
Top Tier product
Dragon's Blood Capsules
Second order. I love the progress I have seen with my gums!
Dragons Blood
I feel my gums being supported by the addition of Dragons Blood. I will definitely keep using this product!!
Brain Fog, Forgetfulness VANISHED!!!
The dragons blood made the back of my head (near my pineal gland tingle, the first time I used it) and its cleared my brain fog and helped me not forget anything in the last 2 days. I can walk into the kitchen and actually remember what I went in there for! And I could remember my dreams from days ago in astonishing detail. I have only taken 2 capsules in the last 3 days. I always thought my forgetfulness was just apart of who I was. I can find the words when I speak so much faster now only 1 word I could not find in almost 3 full days. Usually I can't find about 50 words a day. So amazing!
Great Stuff
Been taking this for some time. I can feel the difference with my immune system