Did you see the eclipse? Why I watched it without glasses.

Did you see the eclipse? Why I watched it without glasses.

Cultivate Elevate on Apr 8th 2024

Timeline + https://t.me/ElevateThyMind

1:25 Dupont Eclipse glasses

2:18 *Eclipse Stay inside? 

4:10 Harnessing energy

6:00 Lab coats?

9:44 Electroculture gardening 

11:11 Water and dowsing 

13:49 What we consume?

15:17 Pearl powder and Dragons blood

18:17 Standing on stickers

19:12 Eclipse glasses invention

21:10 Science skewed

22:20 Sunscreen 

24:05 Natural sunscreen

28:45 Instagram broken

29:40 Social Medea

31:06 Myspace

32:51 New book

35:18 *Lions mane and Pearl for optic nerves

38:00 Blood flow

41:51 *Akashic Readings - https://aingealrose.com/

44:21 Edgar Cayce

45:38 *Frequencies of stones

49:31 Lakota Love