FCP #1 | Etheric Architecture & Old World Fairs with Matt Roeske

FCP #1 | Etheric Architecture & Old World Fairs with Matt Roeske

Cultivate Elevate on Dec 28th 2024

Matt brings to light the cover-up of an old world Civilization of master builders who constructed magical architecture throughout the world. We're left with remnants of this past civilisation and Matt has done extensive research into the kinds of technology used within and around these electrical buildings. We cover the great deceptive tactics used to hide this information, the world fairs and what they really were, as well as other fascinating hidden history topics. 

➔ Where to find Matt: Instagram: / cultivateelevate TikTok: / cultiv8.elev8 Website: https://cultivateelevate.com

➔ Where to find Azeem Ali TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/foundconscious Telegram: https://t.me/foundconscious

WEBSITE:✔️ https://www.foundconsciousness.com/

Timeline: 2:00 How it all began? 7:50 Schooling system 12:50 Age of buildings 15:55 Pyramids and Cathedrals 19:55 Ebner Effect and Giants 24:09 Questions that change the narrative 29:23 Buildings already here 31:15 *World Fairs 36:54 People who attended the world fairs 39:29 Children on display 42:20 Aether 45:20 Alchemy 52:01 Building energy and Sunshine